Yunfoshan Outwardbound
2015-08-06 Read the number:4297 The author:admin

our company went to Yunfoshan vacation village to outwardbounded on 25-26th,August . we had  a good time for those days ,and from the games we were all llearned some things. for example,we studied how to communication and hearing . How to keep enthusiastic and positivism attitude. And how to believe our comrade as team work ,and so on .

The following pictures were we playing.we had five groups -- green group, red group, white group, yellow group and blue grooup .

Look at this picture ,we were dancing and laughing .

The white group were crossing the mine ,they were carefully analyzed and steps forward

Look , their successes rejoiced everyboby's heart.

Happy time always short ,but unforgettable.we heartfelt wish our company will be better and better.